Monday 16 December 2019

Important Reminders

Wednesday Dec 17th is Green and Red day for students
Thursday Dec 18th PJ and Stuffy day.
Thursday Dec 18th is also the Pillars of Care Assembly ( Wear Fancy Clothes and the you can change back into PJs)

No word work Lists until after the holidays. 

Please return your home reading minutes to get your Flames cards as soon as possible!

Monday 2 December 2019

Word Work List Dec 2- 6

Short and long 'e' sounds
Graphemes: ea, ee, ei, ie, e, eo

1.     then
2.     when
3.     tenth
4.     easy
5.     eager
6.     piece
7.     mean
8.     fifteen
9.     people
10.  receive
11.  squeeze
12.  believe