Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Busy Week! Sept. 16-19

No School Friday!

Sept. 30: Orange shirt day

Web sites:
*Prodigy If your child has an account from last year, I am working to move their data to my class. 
*Spelling City
Passwords will be being sent home soon.

Language Arts:
In writing we are learning about tools to plan for writing: lists, thought webs, and story boards or story strips. We are continuing to build our understanding of the difference between Non-Fiction and 
Fiction reading and writing, Poems, Journaling and List Making. A Brain Pockets is our phrase for where we get our ideas for writing. These pockets are our memory pocket, fact pocket and imagination pocket.

As we build our routines for Guided Reading and Literature Circles we are working on our ability to choose just right books. Ask your child about the Five Finger Rule and how it can help us choose just right books.

Word work this year will be built around the study of graphemes and phonemes. What is the difference between a phoneme and a grapheme? A grapheme is a written symbol that represents a sound (phoneme). This can be a single letter, or could be a sequence of letters, such as ai, sh, igh, tch, etc

This week we are  learning about landfills and our need to sorting and classifying waste as well as 
to composting and vermicomposting. As we learn about decomposers we will welcome a class worms.

Social Studies:
Orange shirt day
A Talking Circle during class meeting is our first learning about the traditions of Alberta's First Nations People and building class community. We will be learning about Orange Shirt Day and it's meaning and learning about residential schools in a child friendly manner. As we learn about Alberta, it's places and people we are leaning to ask questions and do research.

The Pillars of Care and Belonging. Please come to meet the teacher to see our work around this.

Looking forward to meeting you,
Mrs. Diduch

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