Thursday, 2 April 2020

New Learning Environment

Accessing Google Meet for the First Time

Yesterday, our principal let you know that the Calgary Board of Education’s was activating Google Meet and Google Classroom to enable teachers and students to better connect with each other. This email outlines what to expect as we begin setting up times to connect with our students over the coming days.
Google Meet
Google Meet is a video conferencing application that enables us to host and our students to join organized ‘meetings’ in real-time. We can also record meetings and make the recording available to students to view at a later time. We are able to share their screen and guide students through tasks and/or documents and websites they wish to share.

Students will access Google Meet using their CBE Gmail address ( As we begin to use these teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students to help them understand both the benefits and risks in using online tools.

First Google Meet Meeting:

We are planning to have our first Google Meet meeting on Thursday, April 2.  On regular school days starting next week, teachers will be available on Google Meet between 8:00 and 10:00am. The link to meet will be posted on our blogs and will be emailed to students. Please click the link for your teacher. Parents have been emailed their child's Gmail address and password. If you need your child’s email address sent to you, please email us to ask.

This first meeting will be a chance to connect through a video chat and reconnect after being away from the school and classroom. We will also discuss online classroom etiquette.

Accessing Google Classroom for the First Time

We will be using Google Classroom as a learning platform as we continue ongoing learning from home. Below is a brief introduction to Google Classroom and how students at Beddington Heights School will be accessing the tool.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an online platform that enables us to communicate with our students as well as assign and distribute tasks. Google Classroom gives us the ability work with our students in safe, manageable, and appropriate way. It will also help students manage their work while learning from home.

Students will access Google Classroom using their CBE G Suite ID ( As we begin to use these new teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students and their families to help them understand both the benefits and risks of using online tools.

Accessing Google Meet or Classroom for the First Time

Google provides excellent resources to help with signing into Google Classroom and joining a class, along with other supports.

Ongoing G Suite Support

Students and Families can find more information and support on the CBE website

Thank you for your support and patience as we all adjust to ongoing learning at a distance. We will keep you informed every step of the way.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Blog miss post

Hi all,
There apparently there was a problem with the blog post this week. Our word work quiz will be postponed until next Friday.

Only three class members brought flashlights. I more come to class we will be able to have Flash light Friday. If not, it will need to be cancelled. Please bring one A.S.A. P.

Mrs Diduch

Wednesday, 4 March 2020


New Science Unit Light and Shadow

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

Students will be able to:
 Recognize that eyes can be damaged by bright lights and that one should not look at the Sun—either directly or with binoculars or telescopes.
  Identify a wide range of sources of light, including the Sun, various forms of electric lights, flames, and materials that glow (luminescent materials).
 Distinguish objects that emit their own light from those that require an external source of light in order to be seen.
 Demonstrate that light travels outward from a source and continues unless blocked by an opaque material.
  Describe changes in the size and location of Sun shadows during the day—early morning, to midday, to late afternoon
 Recognize that opaque materials cast shadows, and predict changes in the size and location of shadows resulting from the movement of a light source or from the movement of a shadecasting object.
 Distinguish transparent materials from opaque materials by determining if light passes through them and by examining their shadows.
 Classify materials as transparent, partly transparent (translucent) or opaque.
 Recognize that light can be reflected and that shiny surfaces, such as polished metals and mirrors, are good reflectors.
 Recognize that light can be bent (refracted) and that such objects as aquaria, prisms and lenses can be used to show that light beams can be bent.
 Recognize that light can be broken into colours and that different colours of light can be combined to form a new colour.
 Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of optical devices, describe how they are used, and describe their general structure. Suggested examples include: hand lens, telescope, microscope, pinhole camera, light-sensitive paper, camera, kaleidoscope.

Vocabulary for the Unit: Colour, concave lens, convex lens, dispersion, emit, kaleidoscope, light, light meter, luminescent, magnify, opaque, prism, rainbow, reflect, refraction, shadow, translucent, transparent, visible spectrum, white light

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Word Work List March 3-6

This weeks words focus on the 'er' sound: 'er', 'ir', 'ur' and 'ear"

  1. early
  2. earth
  3. service
  4. wonder
  5. surface
  6. curly
  7. shirt
  8. thirty
  9. another
  10. bakery
  11. search
  12. shower

Friday, 28 February 2020

Family Event

We have been learning about Alberta's Natural Resources in class and this event fits the theme.

Check out this exciting family fun event the SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) in Calgary is hosting! Drop in Saturday Feb 29th at SAIT to learn about the science behind oil and gas in an educational environment. There is something for all ages!

This fun family event aims to show off the innovative ways resource workers harvest the energy the world needs. Through hands-on experiments, guests will learn the science behind energy production - everything from fracking to density, porosity, and pressure. Get a chance to tour the SAIT facilities, meet students and professors, and even check out the rig simulator. There is something for everyone, in or out of industry, experience or none, young or old!

The event is open to the public and is for families, professionals, students, and children of all ages. Tickets are $10 per family.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Items Sent Home

In our backpacks today you will find work from our unit on digit addition and subtraction, mapping from earlier in the year and the Jump rope for heart fundraiser. Our final quiz on multi-digit addition and subtraction will be next week.

Missing Phone!

If you see the phone of the following description please contact the office.

The make and model is a Samsung Galaxy J3.  The colour is black with a large sticker on the back of it which looks like stained glass and the character “Link” from the Zelda video game.  I was able to get the serial number (IMEI) from my purchase contract. The IMEI is 359229090701360.  The screen saver while in the lock screen is a picture of a green car made out of Lego.  The phone has a pattern lock on it as well. 

Monday, 24 February 2020

Flashlight Friday's

Dear Parents,
As part of our Light and Shadows unit in Science, beginning at the end of March, our class will be participating in “Flashlight Friday”, a 15 minute reading block where students will read in the dark with only the light of a flashlight. This fun activity will reinforce outcomes teaching the purpose and path of light.
If you have an extra small flashlight at home, please label it and send it to school with your child. 
Mrs. Diduch


Just a heads up, our class will need five Volunteers April 1st for a field trip to Agi. Days. If you are able to take the day to join our class as a volunteer please e-mail asap. I will send home the forms as soon as I get them.

Thanks ahead of time!

Mrs. Diduch

Word Work List Feb. 24-28

This weeks word focus is the suffixes 'er' and 'est'.

  1. cleaner
  2. cleanest
  3. bigger
  4. biggest
  5. earlier
  6. earliest
  7. quicker
  8. quickest
  9. busier
  10. busiest
  11. rough
  12. roughest

Friday, 21 February 2020

Wheels and Levers Study Guide

1) How can you change and inclined plane to make a car go faster?
2) What is another name for an inclined plane?
3) Can you draw a picture for each of the simple machines

·      1st class:
·      2nd class:
·      3rd class:
5) How is a screw and an inclined plain similar?

6) Is it easier to move an object by using rollers or by dragging it? Why?
7) Label the parts of a lever using the words: load, fulcrum, and effort. Image result for types of levers

Thursday, 20 February 2020

This Weeks Learning

In Language Arts we are learning about prefixes and suffixes. We have begun by looking at words the end in 'ing' and 'ed'. We are also beginning to learn about the difference between literal and figurative.  We have learned about smilies previously this year and are now learning about idioms. This weeks idiom was "in one ear and out the other''.

Informational non-fiction writing is what we are working on during our writers workshop. We are examining the text feature in non-fictional books to see what we need to add to our books that we are creating.

We have all learned the traditional algorithm for multi-digit addition and subtraction of four digit numbers. The concept of borrowing and regrouping is tricky. This week we are looking at two digit addition and subtraction on number lines to further develop our awareness of place value and numeracy. Three and four digit numbers will be next. It is HIGHLY recommended that all students practice their basic facts at home to help support the work in the classroom.

In Science we are wrapping up our Wheels and Levers unit (simple machines) and have moved into Building Things. Students have been brining home pin wheels and cotton ball catapults. We are short on supplies for the Rue Goldberg Machines. Please send items in ASAP as we are building next week. I will be posting a study guide for our Wheels and Levers unit Quiz soon. Please watch here.

During Social studies we have been examining the natural resources in Alberta and the questions "How do we use natural resources?" and How have natural resources helped communities in Alberta grow?". Part of this unit involves examining how we can reduce our use of non-renewable natural resources and what renewable resources are being used in Alberta. The students will be researching a renewable energy found in Alberta and creating posters with a partner.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Word Work List Feb 18-21

This weeks words are words ending in "ing" and "ed". Today we discussed present tense words and past tense words using these endings.

  1. lived
  2. living
  3. rattled
  4. rattling
  5. studied
  6. studying
  7. traveled
  8. traveling
  9. changed
  10. changing
  11. appeared
  12. appearing

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Student Building Project

As part of our Science unit on Building Things and Simple Machines we are going to be making Rube Goldberg Machines. Please see the videos below for inspiration and ideas for supplies. I am asking students to bring in various items from home that we can use in building our Machines. DO NOT bring anything of value or importance that you will want returned please. Please see the list below for ideas.

  • empty paper towel rolls
  • empty wrapping paper rolls
  • various tubes
  • wood wedges
  • off cut wood pieces
  • dowel of various sizes
  • wood bbq skewers  
  • tracks
  • balls
  • yarn
  • cloth
  • playing cards from incomplete sets
  • detergent jugs
  • milk jugs
  • empty thread spools
  • film canisters(rare now i know)
  • marbles
  • screws
  • nails
  • bottle lids of various sizes
The Simple Machines that we have learned about are pulleys, wedges, screws, inclined plains, levers, and wheels and axels. The requirement of the project is that each group has an example of each simple machine in the finished built project.

Monday, 10 February 2020

No Word Work List this Week

Due to the short week we will not have a word list or quiz this week.  We will be practicing our basic facts! Keep practicing at home to eliminate finger counting.

Reported case of Lice

Dear Parent/Guardian: 
Head lice has been reported in our Class.  Your child/children may have had contact with the affected student, either in gym, library or buddies. 
Please examine your child's hair daily for the next two weeks.  These inspections are best done in bright light.  The lice tend to be most prevalent at the nape of the neck and above the ears.  Look for small white particles (nits) attached to the hair shaft.  The lice themselves are blackish grey in colour.  You may see movement.  If you do find lice, please ensure the steps for treatment are followed immediately and precisely.  Lice outbreaks can occur periodically during the school year.  Lice are not responsible for the spread of disease and can be controlled when the proper steps for treatment are followed.  Remember that anyone can get head lice. There is no connection between head lice and personal cleanliness. If you have any questions please contact Health Link Alberta at 1-866-408-5465. 
For more information on lice, please see the attached link: Head_Lice_and_How_to_Treat_Them_.pdf 
Thank you 
Mrs. Diduch